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The Afghan problem: what the Central Asian countries offer

Редакция портала, 09 сентября 2020 в 12:42

The Afghan problem: what the Central Asian countries offer

Afghanistan has long been a modern backbone for international politics. There is no other country around which (more precisely, around which problems) such a developed system of global, regional, two-, three — and quadripartite dialogues are built. Dozens of intelligent people around the world are working on ways to resolve the «Afghan issue», and dissertations are being defended. Monographs on Afghan topics can be filled in several rooms of the library. Before the era of self-isolation, the fast and frequently used international conferences about Afghanistan were one of the drivers of the hotel, restaurant, catering, air travel industries, and everything related to the event business. For some international organizations specializing in security, the «Afghan problem» served as the main justification for their activities. At the same time, which is very important, Afghanistan with its problems brought out international unity. At the UN, resolutions on Afghanistan are adopted with unanimity that is rare these days. The countries, whose views on the world are diametrically opposed, coincide in their approaches to solving the Afghan issue.

Новая концепция внешней политики: преемственность и новизна

Редакция портала, 02 сентября 2020 в 09:06

Новая концепция внешней политики: преемственность и новизна

Новая концепция внешней политики: преемственность и новизна

Как известно, нет ничего практичнее хорошей теории. В системе государственного управления этот тезис воплощен в стратегическом планировании. Министерство иностранных дел Казахстана систему основополагающих взглядов на принципы и подходы, цели, приоритеты и задачи внешнеполитической деятельности формулирует в рамках Концепции внешней политики.

新冠病毒大流行:新的形式,原来的内容 (на китайском)

Редакция портала, 28 августа 2020 в 12:49

新冠病毒大流行:新的形式,原来的内容 (на китайском)


同时,大流行已经对全球政治和全球经济都有特大的影响。 例如,整个会议生活转移到网上了。 安全、经济、文化、生态等论坛,所有会外交谈,«现场»会晤,招待会和工作早餐一切都简化为屏幕上的图片了。

La Pandémie : nouvelles formes, ancienne histoire

Редакция портала, 28 августа 2020 в 12:33

La Pandémie : nouvelles formes, ancienne histoire

Winston Churchill a dit un jour : « Les Généraux se préparent toujours pour la dernière guerre ». Et Martin White son compatriote et politologue d’ajouter : « Et les organisations internationales ont toujours été créées pour tirer des leçons de la guerre précédente ». Il est probable que le système international commence à se préparer bientôt pour éviter une future pandémie comme celle du coronavirus. Et le vaccin pour le COVID-19 fera sans doute son apparition quand le virus aura muté pour ne devenir qu’une infection respiratoire saisonnière.

The Pandemic: new forms, old content

Редакция портала, 28 августа 2020 в 12:22

The Pandemic: new forms, old content

Winston Churchill once said: «Generals are always preparing for the last war.» His compatriot political scientist Martin White added: «And international organizations are always created to prevent the past war.» It is likely that the international system will soon begin to prepare for coronavirus pandemic prevention. And the vaccine for COVID-19 will appear when it mutates to the level of seasonal SARS.

Une gouvernance forte et le développement du Kazakhstan

Редакция портала, 25 августа 2020 в 17:24

Une gouvernance forte et le développement du Kazakhstan

Aujourd’hui, l’ancienne idéologie, vivement discutée par l’opinion publique il y a une quinzaine d’années, fait quasiment partie du passé. Il s’agit d’autoritarisme éclairé, qui a été mentionné pour la première fois, autant que je me souvienne, par l’homme et analyste politique français Alex Moskovich, le conseiller extérieur de Nursultan Nazarbaïev. A cette époque, la critique condamnait l’autoritarisme, mais la deuxième partie de l’équation, indispensable à sa compréhension, fut écartée du débat.   

Les paradoxes de l’intégration eurasiatique

Редакция портала, 22 августа 2020 в 12:15

Les paradoxes de l’intégration eurasiatique

Au cours des années d'indépendance, le Kazakhstan a initié et participé à la création d'un certain nombre d'organisations multinationales, mais aucune d'entre elles, sans doute, n'a donné lieu à des avis aussi contradictoires que l'Union Économique Eurasiatique (UEE). L'idée fut proposée à l'origine en mai 1994 par Noursoultan Nazarbaïev. Deux ans plus tard, un accord permettant de renforcer la coopération économique et humanitaire fut signé entre le Kazakhstan, la Biélorussie, le Kirghizistan et la Russie (le Tadjikistan rejoindra le groupe des quatre pays à ce moment-là).

欧亚一体化的悖论 (на китайском)

Редакция портала, 22 августа 2020 в 12:13

欧亚一体化的悖论 (на китайском)

在独立以来的多年中,哈萨克斯坦倡导并参加许多国际组织的成立,但其中可能没有一个像欧亚经济联盟一样充满矛盾评估的组织。最初,这个想法于1994年5月被努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫提出。两年后,哈萨克斯坦、白俄罗斯、吉尔吉斯斯坦和俄罗斯都签署了深化经济和人文领域一体化条约(塔吉克斯坦随后加入了这四个国家的联盟中)。后来建立了一体化委员会,由哈萨克斯坦第一副总理尼格买提江•伊森哈林领导。 2000年10月的下一个阶段是签署成立欧亚经济共同体条约,共同体包括白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯、塔吉克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦(2006-2008年乌兹别克斯坦也加入了)。欧亚经济共同体的首任书记是俄罗斯代表格里高里·拉波塔将军,于2007年10月由北哈萨克斯坦州塔伊尔·曼苏罗夫的哈萨克斯坦外交官接任。同时,白俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦和俄罗斯签署了建立统一关税地区和建立关税联盟条约。 2014年5月,这些国家都签署了关于欧亚经济联盟的条约,而于2015年,亚美尼亚和吉尔吉斯斯坦都加入了该联盟。

Paradoxes of Eurasian integration

Редакция портала, 22 августа 2020 в 11:57

Paradoxes of Eurasian integration

Over the years of independence, Kazakhstan has initiated and participated in the creation of a number of international organizations, but none of them, perhaps, has caused such contradictory assessments as the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). The idea was originally proposed by Nursultan Nazarbayev in May 1994. Two years later, an Agreement was signed between Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Russia on deepening integration in the economic and humanitarian fields (Tajikistan then later joined the alliance of the four). An Integration Committee was created, headed by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Nigmatzhan Isingarin.

«Le phénomène du leader»

Редакция портала, 18 августа 2020 в 11:52

L'anniversaire de Noursoultan Nazarbaïev est l’occasion de se rappeler pourquoi il a dirigé avec succès le pays pendant trois décennies. Le Kazakhstan est l'un des rares États post-soviétiques à avoir échappé aux conflits interethniques, aux confrontations militaires, aux crises sociales, et Nazarbaïev est l'un des rares hommes politiques à ne pas avoir trouvé d’alternative crédible durant toute la durée de sa présidence. 

Aujourd'hui, s’il s’agit de faire le bilan de ce qui a été accompli, il est très facile de parler de ce qui aurait pu être mieux fait et comment. Les jeunes qui ont grandi au cours de ces dernières décennies adoptent souvent une position extrême lorsqu'ils évoquent les actions de Noursoultan Nazarbaïev.

需要单独讨论的«领道人现象» (на китайском)

Редакция портала, 18 августа 2020 в 11:40

需要单独讨论的“领道人现象” (на китайском)


今天,当有时间评估完成的工作量时,很容易讨论当时哪个方面和怎么样可以做得更好。 近几十年长大的年轻人在谈论努尔苏丹·纳扎尔巴耶夫的活动时经常走极端。

哈萨克斯坦正在等待改革计划 ( китайском)

Редакция портала, 12 августа 2020 в 11:18

哈萨克斯坦正在等待改革计划 ( китайском)




Kazakhstan awaits reform plans

Редакция портала, 12 августа 2020 в 11:16

Kazakhstan awaits reform plans

What has the last year shown? To what extent the first president is involved in the active social and political life of Kazakhstan now?

There has been a certain evolution of relationships. Still, in Kazakhstan such a model — the presence of two presidents — was not applied, and some issues, even taking into account the experience and diplomacy of the two presidents, were worked out on the fly.

If at first the First President stepped aside, then, starting from the summer of last year, he became more active and indicated his presence, while demonstratively not pushing his powers.

Les Agents de Maintien de la Paix comme partie intégrante de la politique étrangère du Kazakhstan

Редакция портала, 10 августа 2020 в 15:42

Les Agents de Maintien de la Paix comme partie intégrante de la politique étrangère du Kazakhstan

En marge de la diplomatie conventionnelle, il existe toujours d’autres formes de relations par le biais desquelles la politique étrangère est mise en œuvre. Parmi elles, nous pouvons citer les opérations de type non militaire, comme celles de maintien de la paix, qui jouent un rôle essentiel. Certes, le Kazakhstan est relativement peu expérimenté en la matière, mais il peut être intéressant d’aborder ce qui a trait à celles-ci. 

Peacekeepers as a part of Kazakhstan’s foreign policy

Редакция портала, 10 августа 2020 в 15:39

Peacekeepers as a part of Kazakhstan’s foreign policy

In addition to the classical diplomacy, there are always additional forms within which foreign policy is implemented. Among them, the non-military-type operations stand out, and already among those, peacekeeping operations play a key role. Of course, Kazakhstan has very little experience with it so far, but I think it will be interesting to provide an informational overview of everything that is connected with them.

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev: the development and prosperity of Kazakhstan is exclusively in our hands

Редакция портала, 29 июля 2020 в 15:37

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev: the development and prosperity of Kazakhstan is exclusively in our hands

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, having become the President of Kazakhstan after a landslide election victory a year ago, and recently returned from Moscow, where at the invitation of President Vladimir Putin he participated in a parade to mark the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, gave an interview to the popular newspaper Ana Tili (Native language).

The interview reflected a wide range of issues of global and internal political nature, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the modern system of international relations and country governance, reforming the political, economic and social spheres, as well as the role of the state language, cultural code and philosophical views of the Kazakh people and their relationship with current trends in world development.

Strong governance and the development of Kazakhstan

Редакция портала, 28 июля 2020 в 15:35

Strong governance and the development of Kazakhstan

Nowadays, the old ideology, which was vigorously discussed by the public opinion of the country one and a half decades ago, has already been partially forgotten. It is about the enlightened authoritarianism, which was first mentioned by, if my memory serves right, French politician and political analyst Alex Moskovich, the external adviser of Nursultan Nazarbaev. At the time critics condemned authoritarianism, but the second part of the equation, without which it did not hold a meaning, was left outside of the discussion.  

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Kazakhstan and Geopolitics

Редакция портала, 28 июля 2020 в 15:31

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Kazakhstan and Geopolitics

The strategic Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) of China has a truly global significance and far-reaching geopolitical implications. «Belt» is the «Economic Silk Road» that links China with the Eurasian continent, Africa and the Middle East by the road, railway lines and fiber-optic communication lines by land, while «Road» is «21st Century Maritime Silk Road» that links China with distant markets and raw materials of the area between Arctic and Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans by water.

维和部队作为哈萨克斯坦对外政策的一部分 (на китайском)

Редакция портала, 25 июля 2020 в 15:30

维和部队作为哈萨克斯坦对外政策的一部分 (на китайском)


哈萨克斯坦的强大政权和发展 (на китайском)

Редакция портала, 18 июля 2020 в 15:22

哈萨克斯坦的强大政权和发展 (на китайском)


分散的社會:中亞尋找身份 (на китайском)

Редакция портала, 11 июля 2020 в 11:05

分散的社會:中亞尋找身份 (на китайском)

亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)曾經問過一個問題:«我應該打電話給誰與歐洲交談?»對這個問題沒有答案表明歐洲聯盟沒有決策中心。



国家首领 (на китайском)

Редакция портала, 06 июля 2020 в 15:19

国家首领 (на китайском)

哈萨克斯坦共和国第一任总统努尔苏丹纳扎尔巴耶夫(Nursultan Nazarbayev)庆祝了他的80岁生日。 尽管他在前苏联的郊区长大,可是他却带领哈萨克斯坦走向了21世纪的现代化,并且为全球性和地区性政治做出了巨大贡献。

Выполнение обещаний и ускорение реформ

Редакция портала, 25 июня 2020 в 22:48

Выполнение обещаний и ускорение реформ

Пагубное недоверие общества к политическому руководству во всем мире имеет много причин. Но, возможно, нет ничего более важного, чем широко распространенное мнение — справедливое или несправедливое — граждан о том, что их желания, заботы и надежды игнорируются или принимаются как должное теми, кого они поставили у власти.

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